Friday, 4 June 2010


So got some love from the boys at Scattermish in my inbox the other day (I'm not organised, at all). Namely its Lewis CanCut's Neon Saxophone EP that came out on the 1st June... featuring mixes from Mexican Gaurachero man, Chico Ye, The Cumbia Cosmonauts, and Sonido Del Principe. We've got the Chico Ye mix for you, and if you want more (and you should) hop over to Scattermish to pick up the rest.

Lewis CanCut 'Get Low' (Chico Ye remix)

Lewis CanCut 'Neon Saxophone EP'


Why have I only just heard this? If it had a 'like' button, it would be broken... I heard it broke mad decents server the download was so popular. Click the link and head over to said decent place of mad and get yourself a whole album FOR FREE!

Major Lazer & La Roux 'Lazerproof'